Vendor Directory
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NIGP Codes
NIGP Codes
005 - 05 - Abrasives Equipment and Tools
005 - 14 - Abrasives, Coated: Cloth, Fiber, Sandpaper, etc.
005 - 21 - Abrasives, Sandblasting, Metal
005 - 28 - Abrasives, Sandblasting, Other than Metal
005 - 42 - Abrasives, Solid: Wheels, Stones, etc.
005 - 56 - Abrasives, Tumbling (Wheel)
005 - 63 - Compounds, Grinding and Polishing: Carborundum, Diamond, etc. (See Class 075 For Valve Grinding Compounds)
005 - 70 - Pumice Stone (Inactive, effective January 1, 2016)
005 - 75 - Recycled Abrasives, Products and Supplies
005 - 84 - Wool, Steel, Aluminum, Copper, and Lead
010 - 05 - Acoustical Tile, All Types, Including Recycled Types
010 - 08 - Acoustical Tile Accessories: Channels, Grids, Mounting Hardware, Rods, Runners, Suspension Brackets, Tees, Wall Angles, and Wires
010 - 09 - Acoustical Tile Insulation
010 - 11 - Adhesives and Cements, Acoustical Tile
010 - 14 - Adhesives and Cements, Insulation
010 - 17 - Insulation, Aluminum Foil
010 - 30 - Hardware, Pipe Insulation: Bands, Clips, and Wires
010 - 38 - Hardware, Duct Insulation: Clips, Pins, etc.
010 - 41 - Insulation: Cork, Blocks, Boards, Sheets, etc.
010 - 45 - Insulation and Finish Systems, Exterior
010 - 53 - Insulation, Fiberglass: Batts, Blankets and Rolls
010 - 56 - Foam Glass: Blocks, Sheets, etc.
010 - 57 - Insulation, Foam-in-Place: Phenolic, Urethane, etc.
010 - 59 - Insulation, Foam Plastics: Blocks, Boards, Sheets, etc.
010 - 62 - Insulation, Interior
010 - 63 - Insulation, Blown Type
010 - 64 - Insulation, Loose Fill
010 - 65 - Insulation Jacketing, Canvas, Osnaburg, etc.
010 - 70 - Insulation, Magnesia, Blocks, Sheets, etc.
010 - 72 - Insulation, Mineral Wool: Blankets, Blocks, Boards
010 - 75 - Insulation Paints, Primers, Sealers, etc.
010 - 76 - Insulation, Paper Type Material, Cellulose, etc.
010 - 78 - Insulation, Pipe and Tubing, All Types
010 - 81 - Insulation, Preformed, All Types, Ells, Tees, Valves, etc.
010 - 83 - Recycled Insulation Materials and Supplies, All Types
010 - 84 - Insulation, Rubber
015 - 06 - Addressing Machine Supplies, Metal and Plastic Plate Type
015 - 10 - Addressing Machine Supplies, Paper Plate Type
015 - 15 - Chemicals and Supplies, Dry, Bond Paper Type Copying Machines
015 - 16 - Chemicals and Supplies, Wet, Bond Paper Type Copying Machines
015 - 20 - Chemicals and Supplies, Duplicating Machines
015 - 25 - Chemicals, Inks, and Supplies, Mimeograph Machines)
015 - 38 - Paper, Chemicals, and Supplies, Blueline Machines
015 - 39 - Paper, Chemicals, and Supplies, Coated or Treated Paper Type Copying Machines, (See 305-39 for Diazo Process Copy Machines
015 - 45 - Paper, Chemicals, and Supplies, Diffusion Transfer Type Copying Machines, (See 305-39 for Diazo Process Copy Machines)
015 - 55 - Paper and Supplies, Dual Spectrum Process Copying Machines, (See 305-39 for Diazo Process Copy Machines)
015 - 70 - Paper, Chemicals, and Supplies. Thermal Process Copying Machines, (See 305-39 for Diazo Process Copy Machines)
015 - 77 - Recycled Copying and Duplicating Supplies
019 - 20 - Barley
019 - 21 - Berry Crops
019 - 24 - Buckwheat
019 - 30 - Corn
019 - 32 - Cotton
019 - 41 - Fruits, Citrus
019 - 42 - Fruits, Deciduous Tree
019 - 47 - Grapes
019 - 50 - Hops
019 - 53 - Melons
019 - 54 - Millet
019 - 56 - Nuts, Tree
019 - 58 - Oats
019 - 60 - Potatoes
019 - 62 - Pumpkins
019 - 66 - Rice
019 - 67 - Rye
019 - 72 - Sorghum
019 - 73 - Soybeans
019 - 78 - Sugarcane and Sugarbeets
019 - 85 - Tobacco
019 - 90 - Vegetables, (Not Otherwise Classified)
019 - 94 - Wheat
020 - 02 - Backhoe, Farm Tractor
020 - 04 - Brush and Tree Chippers
020 - 06 - Brush Cutters and Saws, Motor Driven
020 - 10 - Counters, Acre
020 - 13 - Cultivating Equipment, Farm: Go-Devils, Row Type Shovel Cultivators, Tooth and Spring Harrows, etc.
020 - 14 - Curb Edger, Heavy Duty, Tractor Mounted
020 - 15 - Cutters and Shredders, Mowers, Heavy Duty, Flail: Tow Type and Center Mount Type
020 - 16 - Cutters and Shredders, Mowers, Heavy Duty, Reel and Rotary: Tow Type and Center Mount Type
020 - 18 - Dozer Blades. Farm Tractors
020 - 20 - Drying Equipment, Grain
020 - 23 - Ensilage Cutters
020 - 25 - Farm Wagons
020 - 27 - Feed Mills and Mixers
020 - 28 - Feed Wagons
020 - 30 - Fertilizer Applicators and Fittings: Liquid and Gas
020 - 31 - Fertilizer Distributors, Dry, Commercial (See Class 515 for Lawn Type Distributors)
020 - 33 - Garden Tractors, Cultivators, and Plows
020 - 34 - Gang Mowers, Reel Type, Towed
020 - 35 - Grain Bins and Tanks
020 - 36 - Grading Machines for Seeds, Grains and Dried Vegetables
020 - 37 - Grass Seed Strippers and Cleaners
020 - 39 - Grass Spriggers and Seeders
020 - 40 - Grinding Mills: Seed, Grain, Dried Vegetable
020 - 41 - Harvesting Equipment: Bean, Corn, and Pea Pickers and Shellers, Combines, Cotton and Fruit Pickers, Headers, Sled Cutters and Threshers
020 - 43 - Haying Equipment: Balers, Dryers, Elevators and Rakes, etc.
020 - 46 - Herbicide, Insecticide and Fungicide Applicators and Distributors
020 - 49 - Irrigation Equipment and Supplies, Agricultural
020 - 59 - Land Levelers
020 - 61 - Loaders, Tractor Mounted, Farm
020 - 62 - Log Splitters
020 - 63 - Manure Spreaders
020 - 64 - Mower, Articulated Boom: Flail, Rotary, or Sickle Head
020 - 65 - Mower, Steep Slope Type with Cutter Head on Telescoping Boom: Flail, Rotary, or Sickle Bar Cutter Heads, For Mounting on Tractors or Trucks (See Class 515 for Lawn Type Mowers)
020 - 66 - Mower, Tractor Mounted, Steep Slope Type with Cutter Head on Telescoping Boom): Flail, Rotary, or Sickle Bar Cutter Heads (See Class 515 for Lawn Type Mowers)
020 - 67 - Mower-Tractor Unit or Self-Propelled Mower, for Slope Mowing (See Class 515 for Lawn Type Mowers)
020 - 68 - Mower, Center Mounted; and Tractor (See Class 515 for Lawn Type Mowers)
020 - 69 - Pasture Renovators
020 - 71 - Planting Equipment, Broadcasting
020 - 72 - Planting Equipment, Drilling
020 - 73 - Planting Equipment, Row Crop
020 - 74 - Processing Machinery and Equipment, Agricultural
020 - 75 - Posthole Diggers, Tractor Mounted
020 - 76 - Protection Structures, Rollover (ROPS)
020 - 77 - Pulverizers and Rotary Tillers, Soil
020 - 78 - Recycled Agricultural Equipment Accessories and Supplies
020 - 79 - Rock Pickers and Rakes
020 - 81 - Rodent Control Equipment, Tractor Operated
020 - 82 - Spade, Tree (Truck or Trailer Mounted, or Three-Point Hook-Up for Tractor Mounting) and Other Tree Transplanting and Diggers
020 - 83 - Sweeps and Other Steel Shapes
020 - 84 - Soil Mixers and Samplers
020 - 85 - Terracing Equipment
020 - 87 - Tillage Equipment, Heavy Duty, Farm: Blade Plows, Disc Harrows, Listers, Rotary Hoes, Tool Bars, etc.
020 - 89 - Tractors, Farm, Wheel Type
020 - 90 - Tree and Root Cutters and Stump Grinders, Tractor Mounted
020 - 91 - Tree Girdlers and Timber Tongs
020 - 93 - Umbrellas, Tractor
020 - 95 - Unloaders and Elevators, Grain
020 - 96 - Wedges, Steel, Tree Felling and Splitting
022 - 04 - Brush Chipper, Cutter and Saw Parts
022 - 13 - Cultivating Equipment Parts
022 - 15 - Cutter and Shredder, Mower: Flail, Rotary, Reel, and Sickle Bar Parts
022 - 30 - Fertilizer Distributor Parts
022 - 41 - Harvesting Equipment Parts
022 - 42 - Haying Equipment Parts
022 - 43 - Herbicide, Insecticide and Fungicide Applicator and Distributor Parts
022 - 49 - Implement Parts, John Deere
022 - 51 - Implement Parts. Ford, New Holland
022 - 53 - Implement Parts, Case/IH International Harvester
022 - 58 - Implement Parts, Farm Equipment, (Not Otherwise Classified)
022 - 62 - Irrigation System Parts, Agricultural
022 - 70 - Planting Equipment Parts
022 - 73 - Posthole Digger, Tractor Mounted Parts
022 - 74 - Recycled Agricultural and Implement Parts
022 - 75 - Sprigger and Seeder Parts, Grass
022 - 77 - Tillage Equipment Parts
022 - 80 - Tractor (Farm and Garden) Parts
022 - 82 - Tree Spade and Forestry Equipment Parts
022 - 95 - Unloader and Elevator, Grain Equipment Parts
022 - 97 - Wagon Parts
025 - 10 - Compressor, Bare Unit, Not Mounted or Powered: 15 HP and less
025 - 20 - Compressor, Bare Unit, Not Mounted or Powered: over 15 HP
025 - 30 - Compressor, Base or Tank Mounted: Electric Motor or Engine Driven, 15 HP and less, Including Parts and Accessories
025 - 40 - Compressor, Base or Tank Mounted: Electric Motor or Engine Driven, Over 15 HP, Including Parts and Accessories
025 - 43 - Compressor: High Pressure, All Sizes and Models
025 - 45 - Compressor, Portable: Electric Motor or Engine Driven, 5 HP and less, Including Parts and Accessories
025 - 50 - Compressor, Portable, Electric Motor or Engine Driven: over 25 CFM at 100 PSI, Including Parts and Accessories
025 - 55 - Dryers, Desiccant Air
025 - 60 - Filters, Air Gauges and Valves, Pressure Regulators, Shock Mounts, etc.
025 - 70 - Moisture Separators, Non-Refrigerated
025 - 80 - Moisture Separators, Refrigerated
025 - 85 - Motors, Air Compressor
025 - 90 - Recycled Air Compressor Accessories and Supplies
031 - 02 - Air Conditioning Units, Portable or Room AC Units, Computer Rooms, Hospital Rooms, Sporting Events, etc.
031 - 03 - Air Conditioners Systems, Commercial and Industrial, Including Parts and Accessories, (Not Otherwise Classified)
031 - 04 - Air Conditioners: Controlled Environment, Computer Rooms, etc., Including Parts and Accessories, (Not Otherwise Classified)
031 - 05 - Air Conditioning and Heating Systems, Window and Wall Mounted, Ductless, Including Parts and Accessories, (Not Otherwise Classified)
031 - 06 - Air Conditioning and Heating Central Air Systems, Including Parts and Accessories, (Not Otherwise Classified)
031 - 07 - Air Circulation Equipment (Not Otherwise Classified)
031 - 08 - Air Curtains
031 - 09 - Air Flow Meters
031 - 10 - Air Purifiers, Accessories and Supplies
031 - 11 - Blowers, Industrial Types
031 - 13 - Chillers, Heat Exchangers and Receivers
031 - 14 - Chilled Water System, Portable
031 - 15 - Chilled Water Meter System
031 - 16 - Coatings and Sealants, Duct
031 - 17 - Coils, Chilled or Heated Water, and Direct Expansion
031 - 18 - Coil and Fan Units, Air Conditioning
031 - 20 - Compressors, Air Conditioning, Window Unit Type Including Parts and Accessories
031 - 21 - Compressors, Air Conditioning, Industrial Type, and Parts
031 - 23 - Condensing Units (For Air Conditioners)
031 - 24 - Controls, Cooling Tower Water Treatment: pH, Conductivity, Corrosion Sensors
031 - 25 - Controls, Limit Switches, Relays, Thermostats, Gas Valves, etc.
031 - 26 - Control Systems: Complete, Automatic Temperature Control
031 - 27 - Cooling Tower Water Treatment: Non-chemical Ozone, Centrifugal Separators, Magnetic Descaling Equip. (See Class 885 for Chemical Types)
031 - 28 - Cooling Towers, Forced Air, Gravity, etc.
031 - 29 - Dampers, Motorized
031 - 30 - Dehumidifiers and Humidifiers
031 - 31 - Duct Cleaning Equipment, Air
031 - 32 - Duct, Prefabricated, Flexible or Rigid: Glass Fiber, Plastic, etc.
031 - 33 - Duct, Fabricated, Metal
031 - 34 - Dust Collectors, Industrial Type
031 - 36 - Electronic Air Cleaners, Electrostatic Precipitators, Ozonators, Including Parts and Accessories
031 - 38 - Evaporative Coolers
031 - 40 - Fans, Industrial Types: Attic, Exhaust, Forced Draft, etc., Including Fan Blades and Fan Parts
031 - 41 - Fans, Room Type: Ceiling and Portable Type, Stationary and Oscillating
031 - 43 - Filter Coating, Adhesive, Coil Cleaners, Degreasing Solvents, etc.
031 - 44 - Filters, Air Conditioning and Furnace, Permanent Type
031 - 45 - Filters, Air Conditioning and Furnace, Disposable Type
031 - 46 - Filters and Filter Media, Evaporative Cooler
031 - 49 - Filter Frames, Metal
031 - 50 - Freon
031 - 51 - Furnaces, Central Heating Type, Forced Air, Gas Fired
031 - 53 - Grilles, Diffusers, Registers, etc.
031 - 55 - Hand Tools, HVAC Maintenance, Testing, Recording, Detection, etc.
031 - 56 - Heat Pumps
031 - 57 - Heaters, Electric, Baseboard Type, Including Parts and Accessories (Inactive, please see commodity code 031-58 effective January 1, 2016)
031 - 58 - Heaters, Electric, Baseboard, Panel or Wall Type, Including Parts and Accessories
031 - 59 - Heaters, Electric, Portable, Including Parts and Accessories
031 - 60 - Heaters, Gas-Fired: Space, All Types, Including Parts and Accessories
031 - 61 - Heaters, Gas-Fired: Wall Type, Vented and Unvented, Including Parts and Accessories
031 - 62 - Heaters, Kerosene or Oil Fired: Space Type, Vented and Unvented, Including Parts and Accessories
031 - 63 - Heaters, Space, Steam
031 - 65 - Heating Elements, Electric
031 - 66 - Hydronic Specialties
031 - 67 - HVAC Equipment, Accessories and Supplies (Not Otherwise Classified)
031 - 69 - Odor Control Equipment, Room or Portable Type, Including Parts and Accessories
031 - 70 - Odor Control Equipment, Duct Air, Including Ozone Type
031 - 72 - Pumps, Descaling Acid
031 - 73 - Pumps, Refrigerant Circulating
031 - 74 - Pumps, Refrigerant Vacuum
031 - 75 - Radiators, Heating
031 - 76 - Refurbished HVAC Products, Including Parts and Accessories
031 - 78 - Roof Ventilators, Power Driven, Including Refurbished Types
031 - 79 - Roof Ventilators, Wind Driven, Including Refurbished Types
031 - 80 - Solar Heating Units
031 - 82 - Stoves, Wood or Coal
031 - 87 - Testing and Recording Instruments, AC and Heating (Inactive, see commodity code 031-55, effective January 1, 2016)
031 - 89 - Thermometers and Gauges, AC and Heating
031 - 91 - Unit Heaters, Electric, Duct and Suspended Types
031 - 92 - Unit Heaters, Gas-Fired, Duct and Suspended Types
031 - 93 - Unit Heaters, Gas-Fire, Radiant and Infrared, Portable and Stationary
031 - 94 - Unit Heaters, Steam and Hot Water Types
031 - 95 - Ventilation Equipment and Systems (See 031-78, 79 for Roof Ventilators)
031 - 96 - Vent Pipes, Fittings, and Accessories
031 - 97 - Vacuum System, Central, Including Filters, Parts and Accessories
035 - 02 - Air Conditioning Units, Aircraft, Cooling Interiors While at the Gate
035 - 03 - Aeronautical Charts and Maps
035 - 04 - Aircraft Avionics, (Not Otherwise Classified): Navigation Instruments, Transponders, Global Positioning Systems, etc.
035 - 05 - Aircraft Crash Locators, Including Parts and Accessories
035 - 06 - Aircraft Accessories (Not Otherwise Classified)
035 - 07 - Aircraft Fuselage and Components
035 - 08 - Aircraft Fenders
035 - 09 - Aircraft Communications Radio
035 - 10 - Aircraft Navigation Radio
035 - 11 - Aircraft Master Control Systems, Computer, etc.
035 - 15 - Aircraft Radar
035 - 16 - Aircraft, Remotely Operated: Surveillance, Search and Rescue
035 - 20 - Airplanes
035 - 21 - Airships
035 - 22 - Airport Equipment (Not Otherwise Classified)
035 - 23 - Airport Equipment Ground Power for Aircraft at the Gates
035 - 25 - Automatic Pilot Systems
035 - 26 - Baggage Handling Equipment, Including Parts and Accessories
035 - 27 - Beacons, Visual and Runway Lights
035 - 28 - Cameras and Accessories, Aerial Photograph
035 - 29 - Drop Equipment and Supplies, Aerial
035 - 30 - Engines and Parts, Airplane
035 - 31 - Encryption/Decryption Systems, Aircraft
035 - 32 - Ejection or Escape Systems, Aircraft
035 - 35 - Engines and Parts, Helicopter
035 - 37 - Engine Instruments: Fuel, Manifold and Oil Pressure, Oil Temperature, Tachometers, etc.
035 - 40 - Equipment and Supplies, Airplane (Not Otherwise Classified)
035 - 44 - Fire Control Systems, Aircraft
035 - 45 - Equipment and Supplies, Navigation, Helicopter (Not Otherwise Classified)
035 - 46 - Flight Instruments: Airspeed, Altimeters, Attitude and Turn and Bank Indicators, etc.
035 - 47 - Flight Simulator
035 - 48 - Gliders
035 - 49 - Hydraulic Systems, Aircraft
035 - 50 - Helicopters
035 - 52 - Hot Air Balloons
035 - 54 - Information Display Systems, Flight (F.I.D.S. - Airport)
035 - 55 - Instrument Landing Systems
035 - 60 - Instruments and Testers, Airplane
035 - 65 - Instruments and Testers, Helicopter
035 - 66 - Landing and Braking Systems and Components, Aircraft
035 - 67 - Lights: Anti-Collision, Landing, Navigations, etc.
035 - 68 - Metal Crack Detection Dyes
035 - 69 - Magnetometers, Security Screening Equipment
035 - 70 - Parts, Airplane, Except Engine
035 - 71 - Oxygen Equipment, Aircraft
035 - 72 - Parachutes and Drag Chutes
035 - 75 - Parts (Except Engine), Helicopter
035 - 76 - Power Systems, Aircraft
035 - 77 - Photographs, Aerial
035 - 78 - Ramps and Passenger Transportation Vehicles, Aircraft Boarding
035 - 79 - Recycled Aircraft and Airport Equipment, Accessories and Supplies
035 - 80 - Snow Melters for Runways, Taxiways, Roads and Streets (See Class 765 for other types of Snow Equipment)
035 - 81 - Sweepers, Runway (See 765-77 for Street Sweepers)
035 - 82 - Taxiway and Runway Testing Equipment and Supplies
035 - 83 - Tanks, Fuel, Aircraft, Including Parts and Accessories
035 - 85 - Tools, Airplane
035 - 90 - Tools, Helicopter
035 - 91 - Tow Bars for Moving Aircraft at the Airport
035 - 92 - Wind Tees and Wind Socks, Airport
035 - 93 - Tugs and Tractors for Moving Aircraft at the Airport
035 - 94 - Warning Systems, Aircraft: Emergency, Fire, Escape, Ejection, etc.
035 - 95 - X-Ray Scanner, Passenger Baggage
037 - 18 - Bar, Snack and Soda, Equipment and Accessories
037 - 23 - Cards: Greeting and Gift, Including Recycled Types
037 - 25 - Carnival and Fair Equipment: Inflatables, Bounce Houses, Interactive Games
037 - 28 - Collections: Coin, Stamp, Comic Books, etc.
037 - 34 - Decorations: Holiday, Party, etc.
037 - 35 - Decorative Household or Office Items, (Not Otherwise Classified)
037 - 43 - Gifts, Including Gift Cards and Gift Certificates
037 - 52 - Novelties, Promotional and Specialty Products, Including Biodegradable
037 - 56 - Paper, Crepe
037 - 63 - Recycled Decorations, Games and Toys
037 - 64 - Replicas: Food, Fruit, etc.
037 - 75 - Soda Fountain Equipment and Accessories, Including Slush Machines, (See 165-50 for Malt and Milkshake Machines)
037 - 78 - Souvenirs and Prizes: Promotional, Advertising, etc.
037 - 84 - Toys and Games, Including Coloring Books and Activity Items, Not Educational Type, (See 208-47; 209-48; 785-53; and 805-51 for other type games)
037 - 88 - Video Game Machines
037 - 89 - Video and On-line Games
040 - 01 - Amphibia: Frogs, Toads, Salamanders and Other Cold Blooded Vertebrates, Live
040 - 02 - Animal Carriers
040 - 03 - Animal Care Supplies: Collars, Clothing, Leashes, Litter Boxes, etc.
040 - 04 - Animal Training Equipment and Supplies
040 - 05 - Bees
040 - 07 - Birds
040 - 08 - Cages and Shelters, Animal and Marine Life (See Class 495 for Laboratory Type)
040 - 09 - Cats, All Types
040 - 10 - Cattle, Beef, Breeding Stock
040 - 11 - Cattle, Beef, Commercial
040 - 20 - Cattle, Dairy
040 - 21 - Chickens
040 - 22 - Chicks, Meat Type, Baby
040 - 24 - Chicks, Meat Type, Starter
040 - 26 - Cockerels, All Types, Baby
040 - 28 - Cockerels, All Types, Starter
040 - 30 - Dogs, All Types
040 - 35 - Earthworms
040 - 37 - Electronic Identification Systems Used for Inventory and Tracking of Animals
040 - 40 - Fish, Brood and Fingerling
040 - 42 - Fish (Not Otherwise Classified)
040 - 45 - Fish, Tropical
040 - 48 - Fur Bearing Animals (Not Otherwise Classified)
040 - 50 - Goats
040 - 58 - Hibernation Boxes, Butterfly, Ladybug, etc.
040 - 60 - Hogs, Pigs and Swine, Breeding Stock
040 - 61 - Hogs, Pigs and Swine, Commercial
040 - 70 - Horses
040 - 71 - Houses and Cages, Bird
040 - 75 - Marine Life (Not Otherwise Classified)
040 - 80 - Mules and Donkeys
040 - 82 - Pullets
040 - 83 - Pullets, Laying Types, Baby
040 - 84 - Pullets, Laying Types, Starter
040 - 85 - Rabbits
040 - 86 - Recycled Animal, Bird, and Marine Life Accessories and Supplies
040 - 87 - Rodents (See 495-12,13 for Experimental Types)
040 - 88 - Reptiles, Live
040 - 90 - Sheep
040 - 91 - Specialty Items for Shows and Entertainment, Perches, Hoods, Hoops, etc.
040 - 92 - Toys for Pets and Zoo Animals
040 - 93 - Turkeys, Baby
040 - 94 - Turkeys, Starter
040 - 95 - Wildlife and Pet Bands, Labels and Tags, Not Electronic
040 - 96 - Zoo Animals, All Types
045 - 06 - Appliances, Small, Electric, Household (Not Otherwise Classified)
045 - 12 - Appliances, Small, Non-Electric, Household (Not Otherwise Classified)
045 - 14 - Blenders, Household
045 - 15 - Bread Makers, Household
045 - 17 - Can Openers, Household
045 - 18 - Cleaners and Sweepers, Hand-Operated, Household
045 - 20 - Coffeemakers, All Types, Household
045 - 21 - Cooking and Food Preparation Utensils, All Types, Household
045 - 22 - Cookware and Bakeware, Household (Not Otherwise Classified)
045 - 24 - Dishwashers, Household
045 - 25 - Dishes, Drinking Utensils, and Serving ware, Household
045 - 30 - Disposal Units, Household
045 - 40 - Flatware and Cutlery, Household
045 - 46 - Hot Plates and Burners, Gas or Electric, Household
045 - 47 - Irons, Clothes, Household
045 - 48 - Ironing Tables and Boards, Household
045 - 49 - Ironing Table (Board) Pads and Covers (Inactive, please see commodity code 045-48 effective January 1, 2016)
045 - 50 - Kitchen Units, Compact, Complete, Household (Inactive, effective January 1, 2016)
045 - 51 - Mixers, Food, Household
045 - 52 - Ovens, Microwave and Convection, Household
045 - 54 - Ranges, Stove Tops, and Ovens, Electric, Household
045 - 60 - Ranges, Stove Tops, and Ovens, Gas, Household
045 - 64 - Recycled Appliances and Accessories, Household
045 - 66 - Refrigerators and Freezers, Household
045 - 70 - Skillets, Electric, Household
045 - 72 - Storage Baskets: Metal and Plastic (For Freezers), Household
045 - 73 - Toasters and Toaster Ovens, Household
045 - 74 - Tools, Appliance, Household
045 - 75 - Trash Compactors, Household (See 165 and 545 for Other Types)
045 - 77 - Vacuum Cleaners, Manual, Including Parts and Accessories, Household
045 - 78 - Vacuum Cleaners, Electric, Including Parts and Accessories, Household
045 - 84 - Vent Hoods, Ranges, Household
045 - 85 - Vent Kits, Household Laundry Dryer
045 - 92 - Washers and Dryers, Coin-Operated Type (Inactive, please see commodity code 500-96 effective January 1, 2016)
045 - 94 - Washers and Dryers, Household
045 - 95 - Water Softeners, Household
050 - 10 - Block Printing Supplies
050 - 20 - Casters, Drying Racks
050 - 23 - Coatings, Protective, Artwork
050 - 30 - Cloth (For Application of Designs and Transfers): Burlap, Linen, etc.
050 - 40 - Drawing and Painting Supplies: Brushes, Canvas, Chalk, Colors (Acrylic, Oil, Water, etc.), Crayons, Palettes, Paper and Pads, Staples, etc.
050 - 43 - Glue, Paste, etc., Art
050 - 46 - Letter Cutting Machine
050 - 50 - Engraving, Etching, and Lithography Equipment and Supplies, Burins, etc.
050 - 59 - Paper, Art, Various Types
050 - 60 - Picture Frames and Framing Supplies: Mat Cutters, Mats, Molding, Stretcher Strips, etc.
050 - 67 - Racks, Art Drying, Portable and Stationary
050 - 69 - Recycled Art Equipment and Supplies
050 - 80 - Sculpturing Equipment and Supplies: Carving Boards, Casting Materials, Modeling Clay, Sculptor's Tools, etc.
050 - 82 - Shapes, Strings, Tapes, Twists, etc. Decorative Art Items
050 - 85 - Silk Screen Process Supplies
050 - 87 - Stained Glass Supplies
052 - 02 - Antiques
052 - 08 - Ceramic and Glass Objects: Shadow Boxes, Stained Glass, etc.
052 - 12 - Collectibles, Museum Pieces, etc., (Not Otherwise Classified)
052 - 14 - Cut-Outs, Life Size and Oversized, of Animals and Symbols
052 - 16 - Drawings, Originals